Efficient use of process waste heat: optimization of the new lake water plant in Ipsach for a sustainable drinking water supply

The new lake water plant in Ipsach will produce drinking water for 70,000 people in the Biel/Nidau region in the canton of Bern. EPRO ENGINEERING carried out a comprehensive simulation study in IDA ICE (useful energy) from EQUA and Polysun (system simulation) from Velasolaris to ensure that the waste heat from the process can be optimally utilized.

Using simulated energy flows for demand and generation, the engineering firm transparently demonstrates the technical possibilities and proposes ecological solutions that can be implemented economically. The results are convincing and are now being implemented in the project.

From the client's point of view (ESB), the following economic and ecological added value resulted from the simulation study:

  • The heat pump output could be reduced by 66 %
  • Waste heat utilization was increased by 150 %
  • A savings potential of around 30 % was identified for the storage volume
  • Simplification/optimization of the system

Many thanks to the simulation specialists Moritz Zwahlen and Florian Dill from EPRO ENGINEERING for the convincing project handling and the great results!
