Swissbau 2024 - Conclusion

Swissbau was a complete success for us. Our stand attracted numerous visitors, including architects, building contractors, planners and decision-makers from the construction industry. We had the opportunity to present our expertise and services aimed at planning and realizing energy-efficient and sustainable buildings.

We would like to thank everyone who contributed to the success of our presentation, whether through their support, their commitment or their interest in our work.

If you have missed one of our events, you can watch it under the following link:

Who guarantees energy efficiency?
Perfect indoor climate at record low costs for your wallet and the environment. Who wouldn't want that for their building? But where does the responsibility lie? Who quantifies the targets and who ensures that they are achieved during operation?
Who guarantees energy efficiency? | Swissbau Focus 2024

"Standard simulations": a contradiction in terms?
In order to be able to use simulations for a building assessment, the exact calculation methods have been standardized. However, high demands often require standard-free simulations. We explore how both types of simulation can ideally complement each other.
"Standard simulations": a contradiction in terms? | Swissbau Focus 2024

Avoidance of oversizing and malfunctions
What is the cost of oversizing? Examples from research show an alarming picture. But practical experience also shows that if a building owner consistently focuses on target values and derives the right measures from them, he will be entitled to sensibly dimensioned building technology!
Avoiding oversizing and malfunctions | Swissbau Focus 2024
